03 August 2022
Karel Thomas, Executive Director
As most University Finance Departments start a new year, financial reporting colleagues are hard at work on audits and draft accounts.
This quarter’s Financial Reporting Group Newsletter is crammed full of suggestions of how to make the 2022 audit season better and looks forward to developments in reporting requirements to help you plan. Part of the work will be deriving figures for pension schemes. The USS modeller is ready to download but some institutions will also be working with LGPS and SATs figures. A recent report by Barnett Waddingham looks at what those with Self-Administered Trusts did last year.
The Newsletter also issues a plea for colleagues with a keen interest in financial reporting to get involved with the group. This year a number of our members have retired or changed roles, so we have vacancies. Meetings are a mix of virtual and F2F to enable networking alongside getting the work done and it’s great professional and personal development.
Thank you to Erica Conway (Birmingham) who has passed the Chair of the group to Mary White (RHUL) and thank all those who have just stood down for their hard work. We remain most grateful to those who are staying and Karen Newcombe would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining the jolly group – read the newsletter for a recommendation of why you should. More links and information are on the FRG pages of the BUFDG website.